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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


From personal experience, I have realized that in seasons where I was busy my devotional life suffered compared to seasons where I was free and unemployed.

Hear me out…

As a student on campus, I lived my life on a routine and that worked well. After graduation, it still followed a certain pattern though quite different from the first. In seasons where I was at home, I experienced tremendous growth. The dynamic changed when I got a job, I was either too tired, too late or too preoccupied with something else

At a certain point, I had to tell myself the truth. All of these were nothing but excuses, the busy seasons were just revealing the true intent of my heart.


In retrospect, I didn’t maximize the free seasons even though I grew so much. I had enough time to spend on everything else and give the remaining crumbs to God. I would binge-watch shows, scroll through social media, do every other thing then give Him an hour or two. I know for some people that hour or two might be a big deal but considering the amount of time I had to myself that was just too little for someone who claims to want to know God intimately.

So I had time to satisfy my indulgences while also having time for God. And that is the origin of the whole issue.


In the busy seasons, I was spending most of my time at work and had a couple of hours to fit the rest of my life into (spiritual, social etc.). But I still wanted to live as I was when I was unemployed. I wanted to catch up with all the tea on social media, I wanted to keep up with the shows, reconnect with friends and also have a fervent devotional life. That was impossible. So I would get back home from work, do my chores, get comfy with my phone and start the unproductive cycle every day. By the time it got to the God part which was usually the last thing before bed, I was already sleepy.

That job that was supposed to make me a more effective participant in the purposes of God had become the same thing that was drawing me away. It wasn’t even the job per se, it was my own plan of trying to lead the same lifestyle I had even though I did not have the same amount of time.

And you know what’s intriguing, life doesn’t get less busier. We are young people, some planning to get married, have kids, expand their business or ministry and these come with more responsibilities. So, if you are unable to maintain a devotional life with God now, how will you do that in 5 years when you have 5 stores or 2 toddlers calling you every two minutes?

We will never run out of excuses. There will always be a reason why you cannot do what you want to do.

Before I took on a new role some weeks ago, I prayed a simple prayer; “May this blessing not become a curse”. May this blessing of a job that I prayed for not become the same thing that will draw me away from God.

Has it been easy? No. Do I know how to better navigate it? Yes!

✔Waking up early every day regardless of my shift to spend time with God has helped a lot. It is a literal life hack. It gives the illusion of having a couple more hours in the day. Waking up when everything is quiet to pray and plan your day, before the noise. You have been fed by Your Father before the day begins. And that goes with sleeping early.

✔Inculcating resources like podcasts, YouTube videos and music into your daily chores and activities is a good one too. Listening to a sermon while cooking, playing music while doing the laundry. Feasting on a verse of scripture when you have free time at work, those little things can go a long way to keep you grounded.

✔Spending time with a spiritual community that spurs and encourages you in the faith is so important during these seasons.

✔Cutting down on the junk to make room for the healthy is a step in the right direction. The social media feasting and the drama binge-watching have to be reduced. To each person, his own fleshy obstacle to kill to make room for that which is holy.

Keeping my priorities set before me and learning to give God my best not the leftovers has been helping me. The path to intimacy with God is one of self-denial and only the disciplined will reap the best fruits.

I pray the same prayer for you my friends, may this job, promotion, marriage, expansion or whatever you’re praying for not become the very thing hindering your intimacy with God.


PS: This is the first episode of a series called "adulting problems" I'll be posting from time to time. It will be from my experiences and those of others. I hope they help you in your adulting journey.

Your sister,


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