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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


"Be intentional".

The first time I heard these word was in a message I listened to. The man of God kept hammering the fact that we should be intentional about our worship and everything we do for God. I thought I understood clearly what he meant, a year later, I learnt that I didn't.

Something is said to be intentional when it is done on purpose or it is deliberate. As Christians we must be deliberate. This is when you make every effort to worship God regardless of what happens with the full knowledge of the results. When you are intentional, you pray whether it's convenient or not. You fellowship whether its convenient or not,

You know whose Kingdom you belong to and you give it your all. You go to the secret place with the intent of meeting and fellowshipping with God. You give because you love God and you do so with a cheerful heart because He loves a cheerful giver.

You have an aim, you know what you want, so you work with the intent of reaching it.

So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing.-1 Corinthians 9:26 NLT.

We might not have the full details of where exactly we are going but the Bible is full of people who chose to tread a certain path(positive or negative) and where they ended. We are too blessed with so many examples to choose to live our lives anyhow.

Intentionality goes with consistency most times. People who are intentional keep at it till they see results, they do not give up. They are not governed by feelings, they are led by a decision and their goal is to gain results. As Christians, we are led by the Spirit of God, we can't choose our flesh over the Holy Spirit.

An intentional Christian go to the secret place with materials (pen, journals, Bible, other Bible resources) with the intention of hearing from God and noting the things He tells us.

Intentional people do not leave their success to chance, they put up structures to reach it. Structures around their time, money, gifts etc. They put in the work to make things work. We must be intentional about every aspect of our lives and strive to bear good fruit in all areas,

Let us be intentional about our relationships, spiritual lives, our academics and our personal development, only then can we stand before kings.. Let us be intentional about being ambassadors of the Kingdom we belong to. There is power in intentionality.

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Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
Feb 11, 2022

More grace to walk the path of intentionality

Feb 11, 2022
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