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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


A young boy lived with his father and brothers. He had big dreams and his brothers hated him for it. They hatched a wicked plot to get rid of him and they succeeded. After selling him off to slave traders, they concluded that he was dead.

The boy however spent years as a slave to a wealthy man running his household. The wife of the wealthy man falsely accused the young man of trying to rape her for which he spent years in prison. After a series of events, he was able to interpret the king’s dream and ultimately become the prime minister of the whole nation.

A huge famine occurs which compels his brothers to come to him for help totally unaware that he is their brother.

Which would he choose- revenge or forgiveness?

I'm always amazed at how similar the story of Joseph is to a Filipino television series. There’s always someone who was previously thought to be dead who comes returns alive and wealthy ready to exact revenge on their enemies. Try to remember a few if you’ve watched any- Marimar, The Long Wait, The Promise, Killer Bride just to name a few. Joseph's story has the right level of drama, suspense and intrigue. Just switch up the names of the characters a bit. Joseph will be Carlos, Jacob will be Manuel, Pharoah will be Sir Henrique and Potiphar's wife will be Patricia and there you have it-have a hit television series😂.

Why is it that someone’s daughter or son is always missing in these dramas?

I studied the story of Joseph and it hit me, "so this is where the Filipino writers get their inspiration lol".

You can catch the full gist of the story in the book of Genesis 37-50.

Joseph had big dreams at a very young age. He had dreams where he saw himself ruling over his brothers.

The story of Joseph like many Filipino dramas reminds me that in life detours are inevitable. Life does not always go as we plan. You might have a God-given vision for yourself but the path to that is not in your control.

To put myself in Joseph's shoes, I guess he thought of getting married, inheriting a portion of his father's wealth and starting his own shepherding business. He would have plenty kids like his dad, mature as a shepherd and become the wealthiest among his brothers. Sounds like a good plan, doesn't it? But life had other plans.

He gets sold as a slave.

That wasn't part of the plan.

Wait, it gets worse.

He gets falsely accused and goes to prison.

He slept one night as a free man and slept the next day in slave quarters. He slept one night as a respected head slave and spent the next day in prison. For a total of 13 years, Joseph's life was seemingly out of the plan for those with carnal eyes. But trust God to always do His job regardless of circumstances.

God used the years he supposedly wasted to equip him to become the best manager of Egypt's resources.

Potiphar was a wealthy man so Joseph's time in his house equipped him for the 7 years of plenty he would have to oversee when he becomes prime minister.

A prison is a place of scarcity and lack so Joseph's time here helped him to navigate how to survive in times of lack. This knowledge will prove valuable in Egypt's 7 years of famine.

The comfort of his father’s house was detrimental to the vision God had for him so God had to uproot and transplant him into a place that would nurture him from a seedling to a mighty tree. Turns out that the soil with the right fertilizer was in Potiphar's house and in the prison.

Usually, it's only during hindsight that we realize how God used those painful moments to build and teach us. God is a ruthless teacher. Yes, he is a loving father but if he has to teach you something, he will go far and wide to do it as long as your will is submitted to him.

The difference between the story of Joseph and Filipino dramas is that Joseph forgave his brothers. He recognized that even though they meant to harm him, God used their plan to elevate him. To them, they were lowering him into the pit but to God, they were actually helping him climb the ladder to his next level.

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today- Genesis 50:20

Those were his exact words to his brothers when they reunited.

While his mates were getting married and enjoying life, he was been built up by God in prison. God sent circumstances and people into his life who would be monumental in his success story. We cannot tell the story of Joseph without mentioning Potiphar. Regardless of how their relationship turned out, he played a huge role in Joseph's life. So Is the role of the cupbearer who recommended Joseph to Pharoah. It's quite upsetting that he forgot about Joseph for so many years but the most important thing is that at the right time, he remembered Joseph.

And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose- Romans 8: 28.

The same goes for my friend, Sarah. Like all of us, Sarah has plans for her life. She has recently been diagnosed with a spinal tumour with the impending risk of paralysis. A fundraiser has been set up to help her get the needed surgery and treatment. No amount is too small, let's help her live to fulfil her potential. The account and mobile money details are on the flyer below. As we give, we pray too. This is a "prison" season for our friend; her "palace" season awaits her like Joseph. Let us be the "cupbearers" who will bombard heaven with prayers for her healing and also donate.

Thank you.

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Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
Aug 28, 2022

Father help us through all seasons. God richly bless you.

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