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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


Recently I was thinking about how so many prophetic words have come about God raising mighty women. So I wondered, “who is a mighty woman.” Automatically, what came to mind was a woman in a beautiful gown holding a microphone standing on a huge platform in church and preaching a storm. That was what I thought at the moment.

A woman who is loving her husband and raising her kids.

A young banker is excellent at her job and shining the light of Jesus at her workplace.

A faithful worker in church honouring people and serving God.

Are these not mighty women?

Then examples from the Word started flooding my mind

Esther was a mighty woman but so was Anna.

Deborah was a mighty woman but so was Jael

Mary was a mighty woman but so was Dorcas.

This little scenario opened drew my attention to the kind of “idols” I had in mind. Subconsciously, I had a mindset that equated public service to private devotion. My definition of “mighty woman” was based solely on my mindset and conditioning, not upon the Word of God.

I have started scanning my mind for idols and definitions that are not God’s. Idols, in this case, are not wooden images but mental pictures we have created about how certain things are supposed to be which are not necessarily God’s perspective.

Is your perspective on romantic relationships based on movies?

Are your convictions on marriages based on certain “Aunty Naa” episodes you listened to?

Are your financial habits based on how your mother handled hers?

Are the characteristics of your “spec” influenced by what the media is portraying?

The truth is some of these mindsets are not necessarily bad. Some might even be helpful if it aligns with what God has stated in His Word. Some are logically backed by data and all but what is the source?

Back to the image of the impeccably dressed woman preaching in the church.

Of course, she is a mighty woman but the truth is no one gets to stand on a platform in a day. She probably had seasons in her life where she wasn’t equipped enough in the Word to teach others.

There were seasons when she was struggling spiritually.

There were seasons when she wasn’t even saved.

Would we have called her “mighty” in her days of small beginnings because she did not look like much?

A good example of this is when God called weak Gideon ‘mighty’ when he had no track record of service to him.

And the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and said, “the Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor”- Judges 6:12.

A clear definition of how God’s definition defers from man's.

For the Lord sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7

Let’s strive to see more with our spiritual eyes and value the work that each person is playing in the Body of Christ no matter how small. Here’s to seeing the mighty men and women who are probably going through a wilderness season and don’t see anything good about themselves.

It’s a season of sending love to the Deborahs who are in the limelight and honour to the Annas who are building silently with no applause.

It’s time to give respect to the different versions of Moses, one in Pharoah’s palace and the other leading the Israelites out of Pharoah’s nation.

Dear mighty man/woman,

I respect your journey and I can’t wait to see all the great things the lord is set to do in your life.

Unapologetically own your journey and evolve to the best version of you!

What idols have you been subconsciously keeping in your heart?

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Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
Oct 03, 2022

Thanks and be helped to renew our consciousness with your writings. We also pray that may the walls that guides our minds be God's.

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