There's one hospital unit I'm not a fan of—the E/R. My mind prefers routine and certainty, and the only thing certain about that unit is uncertainty. You can go from peace and quiet to chaos in seconds.
I don't like that.
There's this saying among health workers when a shift happens to have more than usual emergencies," Did you pray before coming?"
We assume that if we prayed then the shift should be peaceful. But what if our prayer only aligned us to God's will? And maybe God specifically prepared and positioned us for that emergency. We do have enough evidence in the Word to show that men of prayer also went through tough times. They faced hardships they did not expect. But the faithfulness of God never changed.
To be honest, I used to pray that too until recently.
Medical emergencies happen all the time. To seemingly healthy and sick individuals alike. Some are 100% avoidable and others unavoidable. Some get well and unfortunately, others do not.
I believe that regardless of the reasons why people end up in the hospital, health professionals have a duty to be conduits of God’s healing mercies to them. Like Job, I think it makes God proud to find children of His in every hospital who are willing to take up an emergency and ensure that God’s will plays out.
If someone is dying who God thinks needs saving who best is needed to do so than a child of God? If there’s someone who God wants to call home, who best is needed to make the transition at least bearable than His ambassador?
So, I started asking the Holy Spirit for help, for wisdom. To make me sharp on my feet and swift in taking action when someone’s life hangs in the balance. I stopped asking Him to take away the emergencies even though they raised my BP and exhausted my energy.
Maybe it was for such a time as this that God gave me that job.
…Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this- Esther 4:14
It’s beautiful to see God work in such situations. There’s chaos all over then through medical intervention, the patient is stabilized. Quite reminiscent of the creation story and how God created beauty out of nothingness.
How he created substance out of formlessness and to see His image bearers replicate that principle is beautiful.
Life, just like the E/R is full of surprises. Things don’t usually go the way we planned them. but we’re reminded of Jesus’s words during the ascension, "...I will be with you always even unto the end of the age - Matt. 28:20
...In this world you will have many troubles but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world- John 16:33
Such is the case of my classmate Philips, who is also dealing with a medical emergency and requires surgery to alleviate his pain. There’s a fundraiser going on to help foot the cost of the surgery. Maybe it was for situations such as these that God has blessed us so. No amount is too small, every penny is appreciated. We pray that through your generous donation, God will through these medical professionals turn Philips's pain into a testimony.
God bless you.
