Hey fam,
How about a little heart-to-heart talk to celebrate this milestone- 50th post.
It gets hard sometimes.
You can't cut corners like everyone else.
You can't have “fun” like everyone else.
You're tired of being considered unrealistic cos you said you're waiting for marriage
You’re tired of being considered wicked cos you won’t bend your values.
Seeing your "goodness" not pay off and landing in even more trouble
I know I know
Being a living sacrifice is totally worth it but sometimes it’s hard
When your body is craving one thing but your spirit yearns for another
When you desire to attain a certain level of maturity but are stuck in a spiral of inconsistent habits.
When the sermons from church say to forgive but you just can’t find it in your heart to do so
Yes yes yes
See, your feelings are valid
Your worries are legitimate
But so is God’s
Every commandment does more to benefit us than it does God
Today, borrow strength
Today, borrow comfort
Today, borrow love
From your Father's storehouse
If God instructs us to do something, then he has an infinite supply of resources to equip us
Pick yourself up, dust yourself and live again
It doesn't matter how far your mind, heart or body may have wandered
Pray again, love again, study again, and follow the Word again.
Give the Holy Spirit a chance for Him to lead you and help you.
Rooting for you. Always!
Stick with us to our 100th post and beyond. Well, what's a party without some candy? Pick one alewa on your way out😊. Byeee

You deserve an applause for coming this far. You have been very consistent with your blogs Even though I didn’t read all 50, the ones I read have been very helpful. I pray you get the necessary strength, knowledge and wisdom to take us through the next phase.