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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


Updated: Oct 31, 2023

I don’t think I’m an avid reader but it is something I love to engage in especially when the book is good. I’m trying to cultivate this habit more since I have a lot of free time nowadays. So far, here are some tips that have helped me so far.

NOTE: These are from personal experience.

1. Find a preferred genre

Sometimes in a bid to look cool, we tend to read books purely based on the fact that they’re popular or someone recommended it and we don’t want to feel left out.

From my observation, I seem more inclined to some genres than others. The genre of the book plays a huge role in whether I finish the book or not. I have a thing for autobiographies and memoirs. Sitting in the comfort of my room judging the decisions of famous people while my own life is on life support seems like fun😂.

Though I have preferences, there are some books I believe should be a part of everyone’s library which includes self-development and spiritual (Christian) books.

2. Determine your reading pace

It's harder for me to finish a book after the third day. I don’t know why but no matter how good the book is I feel like it starts to lose momentum after the third day. So if I’m serious about the book I try to finish it as soon as possible. If I don’t I have to put in extra effort to finish it.

Even though I hardly finish books (over 100 pages) by the third day I am always ready to put in more effort when the time is exceeded.

I have heard of people who finish large volumes overnight, you can try that too if it works for you (I personally wouldn't do it, my sleep is important😂).

If you have struggled with improving this habit all your life, it's better to start with smaller books and gradually graduate to bigger volumes. Don't be like your bookish friend who read a 300-page book in one sitting, it's not your calling(yet), my dear.

It is important for each person to determine a pace that works for them.

3. Determine your reading habits.

Some people are able to read better at night. Others are more focused during the mornings. It is your job to find when you are most productive and utilize it. Some do better after a refreshing bath, for others, it has no effect. There is the peaceful environment gang and there are those who can read even in the hustle and bustle of Times Square. It's a matter of choice and self-awareness.

4. Find your reading jinx

Jinx is something that brings bad luck. I know it sounds superstitious but I believe there’s such a thing when it comes to my personal reading journey. I realize that if I share a book I am about to read on my social media or with a friend, it's more challenging for me to complete it.

Strange right?

I don’t know about you but if I read a book and it’s good, my only reaction is to share. I want the whole world to know about this masterpiece. And since I can’t stop sharing, I changed my attitude, I only shared after I finished the book or when I was more than halfway through the book.

You might be like me, you never know.

5. Seek to practice at least one thing you learnt from a chapter.

This applies mostly to non-fiction. Say, you are reading a book on prayer and the first chapter deals with consistency. After completing the chapter, try to practice how to be consistent in prayer using the steps the book provides.

This will help you to transfer your head knowledge into practical life skills. Let us not fall into the trap of becoming “ineffective sages” as one of my mentors put it. These are people who know all the right things, and give the best advice yet their lives are a sharp contrast.

If you read a book on productivity, we should notice a visible improvement in your productivity. The goal of reading is not to look or sound smart but to effect positive change in our lives.

It is not in the quantity of books we read but in the quality of our lives after reading.

That will be all, fam. I believe these pointers will be of help to you in your reading experience. The world is for those who choose not to be limited by their mindset and environment, reading is one of the ways we expose ourselves to other environments to remove the veil of limitation.

Share a reading tip that helped you in the comments.

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