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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


Probably with no falling or breaking of chairs, maybe with the absence of screaming

No thunder or lightning but salvation remains one of the greatest if not the greatest miracle of all time.

What is it at all?

Salvation is the rebirth of man, once spiritually dead to fellowship with God to the impulses of God. Being called out of darkness into His marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9). Some call it being born again or regenerated.

How did we get here? One might wonder. Why was salvation necessitated?

God created a sinless world. One in which He had constant fellowship with His creation. A violation of the one rule He gave man- do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil- landed us in this state of sin and the need for restoration.

Long before that, God in His benevolence had already set a plan in motion to restore man should we fall. Sin’s entry only triggered the cascade of events (Revelation 13:8). He loved man so much that He sent His son, Jesus Christ -spotless and blameless- to come to the earth to die for us (John 3:16). Before Jesus’s coming people atoned (made amends) for their sins with animal sacrifices, now we have a much better atonement (the sacrifice of Christ).

One man’s sin condemned us all while one man’s death redeemed us all (Romans 5: 12). That is the gospel (the good news), that Christ died and resurrected so that we might live and live abundantly.

Juliana, I live my life well, I don’t lack anything. I don’t harm people, I’m a good citizen. Do I need to accept this Jesus?


⭐Your identity changes- you become a child of God.

A God greater than any king you can imagine. Who else would you feel safe committing your life to than the most powerful Being to ever exist?

⭐Your spirit that was once dead to the impulses of heaven becomes alive.

⭐You are ushered into the Body of Christ- the family of Christians.

⭐The Spirit of God comes to dwell in you- alive and active- empowering you to live a life greater than what you already have (eternal life).

I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die. John 11:25

There’s a life after death and only the man who accepted Christ can enjoy it.

What do I do to enjoy this life??

If you believe in your heart that, “Jesus is Lord” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9

The only thing anyone has to do to receive this miracle of salvation is to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. That’s it!

How do I know this actually works?

Faith and faith alone.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and not of yourselves, it is a gift of God- Ephesians 2:8-9

We’re not saved because we do good, we get saved because we realize our sinful nature, our helplessness, and our ultimate need for God. Salvation is what empowers us to do good.


I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was one bright Sunday morning in 2018, I sat in the middle row of the CCB auditorium, dressed in an African print blouse and skirt and brown Ghana-made sandals (yeah the memory is that vivid). It was the final session for School of the Word organized by GHAMSU each academic year.

Rev. Kas Vorsah stood behind the pulpit on the podium and blasted the message. To be honest, I don’t remember what he preached that day, all I know is that it was powerful. From the service I attended the night before, I was getting more clarity. Finally, things were making sense. I wondered why no one made the gospel this clear to me. As someone who had ticked Christian in the religion section on all forms, it was quite an eye-opener to realize that I could only call myself that if I had confessed Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. So you mean I get to be a new creature? All I have to do is to believe Jesus is Lord and confess him as resurrected. And I receive eternal life? That’s it?


When he asked those who wanted to be saved to stand up, I did- my first time answering an altar call. Nerves raging, I could feel my heart beating but I stood anyway. And Heaven as if sensing my nervousness, sent encouragement, the guy sitting right next to me stood up too. We repeated some words and went back to our seats. I knew something had changed, I just couldn’t put a finger on it. Excited, I so looked forward to this new journey.

Five years on, has it been easy?

Not one bit! I naively thought I would transform into a saint overnight.

But it has been fulfilling. There has been a lot of back and forth and all I can say God has been very patient with me. Like super patient, the long-suffering kind of patient.

It is the best decision I’ve made in my life. Life has become more than amassing wealth, gaining titles, or pleasing people. I understand my ultimate purpose of knowing Christ and making Him known. I’m assured that I am not doing life alone, the Holy Spirit is ever ready to help me.

There are so many nice sermons and presentations on the saving grace of God and salvation but trust me, salvation is best experienced.

You’ll look back and say, “That was the moment my life changed”.

Brethren I recommend Jesus, any day and anytime.

If you’ve never given your life to Him, there is no better time than now. If you’ve strayed, now is the time to rededicate your life to Him.

Pray this prayer;

Dear Jesus, I believe that you came to die for my sins and resurrected on the third day. I renounce my sinful way of life and ask you to be the Lord of my life. Set my mind and my affections on things that please You and help me to walk diligently with You. From this moment, I am a partaker of all that God has to offer His children, I live the God-kind of life.

Did you believe it?

If you did, welcome to the family, my sibling. I hope you cherish this day and every other day of your new life.

Find a Bible-believing church and fellowship, trust me you’ll need the support.

Send me an email at or tap on the message icon to send an anonymous message, I would love to cheer you on in this journey.

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