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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


Hello fam!!!

Are you ready for Bible study???

Turn with me to the book of Joshua 1: 9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”.

The book of Joshua is a very relatable book for me.

The great servant of the Lord, Moses is dead and Joshua, his successor takes over.

Such great responsibility.

In chapter 1 alone, the Lord commands Joshua three times to be strong and of good courage.

To take up the job of the mighty Moses must have been one difficult one regardless of how trained Joshua was.

Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves in such situations. As young adults venturing out into the world, there’s a huge amount of uncertainty and anxiety about what the future holds for us.

We worry whether we will meet the expectations of society, we worry whether we will end up being another one of the unemployed graduates in Ghana or our story will be different.

Today, God is admonishing us. He is commanding us like He did to Joshua.

He says to be strong and of good courage and that just as He was with Moses so shall He be with you.

As He helped people get jobs when they had no connections, so shall He be with you.

As He lifted people from abject poverty to abundance, so shall He be with you.

As He ushered people into places of influence, they had never dreamed of so shall He be with you.

The good news is Moses had done most of the hard work and Joshua’s job was to claim the inheritance.

Our Lord Jesus has done all the hard work, our job is to rise up and take what He worked for.

The condition is to be strong and of good courage. It is to face the future with singleness of vision and take what He wants you to take. As long as Joshua did what God wanted, the Israelites prospered.

Joshua, your victory is in your obedience. Your prosperity is in your ability to do the what is written in the book of law. The problems might be huge, the obstacles might seem unsurmountable but God is saying to be strong and of good courage.

He has gone ahead of you; He has prepared a land flowing with milk and honey for you. Yes, there are bad people in the land! Yes, there are giants in the land but the Lord says to be strong because He is with you to deliver you.

Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.- Joshua 1:6

For anyone anxious about what the future holds, I would strongly recommend an in-depth study of the book of Joshua. I know you’ll be blessed.

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1 Comment

Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
Feb 25, 2022

God richly bless you for the word of God shared. Thanks

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