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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


Updated: May 12, 2022

On February 1st, I chanced upon this idea on Twitter about telling someone 14 reasons why you love them, one reason per day climaxing everything on Valentine’s day (14th February). Being a singlet as I am😂 , I decided to do this for myself. So I committed to writing one thing I absolutely love about myself from that day till 14th.

For the first few days, I was in control of things until I got to the 7th day, I think. Your girl was out of ideas. I kept searching my mind for some nice things to write but the ideas were not cooperating. After much introspection, I realized that I haven’t invested a lot of time to study myself well. Of course, I knew the basics- favourite food, favourite colour, hobbies, dreams etc. But on many occasions, the most important ones are those we ignore.

Many times we focus more on what we want to do or become and less on who we are at the moment. Knowing who you are currently can help you plan well to achieve your goals. You will know things you need to unlearn, relearn and learn. We do not invest time into self discovery- the things we like/dislike, our gifts, our personalities, our negative traits especially.

If you cannot describe yourself in 10 minutes without talking about your family, physical features or education, then this journey is for you. I encourage you to get to know yourself, the things which trigger you, toxic traits you possess, your hidden gifts which can be developed, the habits you want to change. Come face to face with the pill about your character that no one has told you or seen be it sweet or bitter.

Give yourself a pat on the back where you're good at and work on the bad parts.

A person who knows who he/she is knows what he/she wants. Because of this experience, I have decided to spend some more time discovering myself some more.

To be honest, self-discovery is a life-long process, we will never finish it. The sooner we start this journey and hold ourselves accountable, the better our lives will become.

I know that a year by this time, I'll be telling a very different story. I know that the more I behold the Word, the more my inadequacies are brought to bare. and the more I am engraced to be more like Him.

I encourage you to go on this journey to explore the mine that is yourself.

Byeee. see you on Monday.

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Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
Feb 18, 2022

That's a very nice shift of writing, really love it. Until we are fully made to be Him, knowing the self. God richly bless you

Feb 18, 2022
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Thank you for reading once again. Really appreciate it

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