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Writer: julianaofjehovahjulianaofjehovah

There's an order to the Christian life. From salvation to justification to sanctification then to glorification.

We've already treated the topic of salvation here so we'll be moving to our next item on the list; justification.

Justification is derived from the word, justice. And what is justice?

Looked for the simplest definition and found two that I liked from the Cambridge dictionary

🎉fairness in the way people are dealt with

🎉the system of laws in a country that judges and punishes people

Is God's idea of justice different?

Justification in Christianity is twofold.

1st, it is being declared guiltless despite our sins because we have believed in Christ.

It is as if God, our judge, hits his gavel (courtroom hammer) on the table and declares "Not guilty!".

2nd, it is when righteousness is being conferred (imputed) on us because of the sacrifice of Christ. Christ, a sinless man took up our sins and gave us His righteousness. so not only are we not guilty in the sight of the Father, we now have a right standing with Him.

Romans 5:18 CSB

[18] So then, as through one trespass there is condemnation for everyone, so also through one righteous act there is justification leading to life for everyone.

God is just, we are not. Sin cannot go unpunished because His righteous nature abhors it. The sinfulness of man became a barrier that prevented us from getting close to a holy God. So Jesus came and took the punishment for our sins, the price has been paid. The punishment has been meted out for my sins. I am not guilty!

One reason the gospel is good news is because this sounds too good to be true. I, a sinful person get to be made righteous because Jesus has carried my sins upon Himself and has given me His own righteousness.

Titus 3:7 CSB

[7] so that, having been justified by his grace, we may become heirs with the hope of eternal life.


How does someone become justified?

We cannot try to be just or win God over by doing good. We are justified only through faith nothing else.

For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law- Romans 3:28

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ- Romans 5:1

But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for “the just shall live by faith.”- Galatians 3:11

So if I have been justified, why do I still sin?

The believer is a justified sinner. He is just because of the finished works of Christ on the cross while yet a sinner because He hasn't yet been perfected. The work of the Holy Spirit working in us and causing us to become more like Christ in our daily lives is what we call sanctification.

There's actually more to the doctrine of justification that adding it all here will defeat the purpose of this blog- to explain in simple terms. It has been the cause of great division within the church. There's so much to it that I'm still learning as a student.

This is just an overview and I pray that it causes you to study more on the topic. May the Lord give us all understanding.

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See y'all in the next one, siblings.


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