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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


Algorithm: Technical means of sorting posts based on relevancy instead of publishing time(Source:

If you’re on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc., the algorithm is something that affects you knowingly or unknowingly. Social media sites suggest things to us based on things they consider we would like. Things appear in your feed not according to the time it was posted but according to how well you like them.

How do they know what you like?

They know what you like based on what you have already liked, commented or shared. Read that slowly.

If you are fond of liking funny videos on Instagram, the algorithm is programmed to suggest more of such videos to you.

If you follow business people and business pages, the algorithm is programmed to suggest other business pages/people to you.

If you are fond of liking pornographic content on Twitter, the algorithm will keep suggesting more of such content to you because they know you like it. Below are some examples;

Point made, Juliana. What are you trying to say?.

My point is what you constantly subject your mind to is what your mind gives you suggestions of. You constantly subject your spirit to what your spirit will constantly give you suggestions of.

If you tune your spirit and your mind to receive ideas and blueprints from God, it will be easier for you to download ideas from Him even when you’re cooking.

The Bible says in the book of Philippians 4:8 (AMP)-whatever is honourable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].

God has already shown us what to think about. The goal is to subject our thoughts to these things constantly. If the thought does fall under those highlighted, it does not deserve space in your mind.

If the goal is to open yourself up to the supernatural, subject your mind to supernatural things.

Think thoughts that are consistent with the patterns you want to see in life. Don’t cram your mind with unproductive things and expect to get groundbreaking ideas. Don’t cram your heart with guilt and envy and expect to live a stress-free life. The more you tune your mind to good things, the easier it will be to have your thoughts flowing in that direction. The easier it will be to receive ideas from God using that channel.

Would you be proud if the whole world were to see the images in your head? Would it be a problem if a megaphone was attached to your heart? I am not here to make you feel bad, my job is to help you streamline your thoughts so that you can easily spot the ideas God is giving you. Tune your algorithm intentionally to host and suit the Holy Spirit. Make the environment of your heart and mind so malleable to the voice of the Spirit so that you do not miss it. God is doing great things in this season, tune your algorithm to hear and see Him.

Have a blessed weekend.

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3 comentários

Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
28 de mai. de 2022

This I must confess that, algorithm really turned my attention on high. Thanks for the education and the insight can't be denied as well. Keep doing the best, God richly bless you for each word......

Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
28 de mai. de 2022
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