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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


In movies, people are born with superpowers or accidentally get them through an insect bite ( shoutout to spiderman). Unfortunately, that's not what happens in real life. Superpowers are cultivated. Even spiritual gifts must be developed.

No story better illustrates the principle of building your superpower than that of Joseph.

He shows that when someone consistently engages in an activity of value, a time will come when they will reap the benefits of it.

Joseph started interpreting dreams long before he met Pharoah. He started with his own dreams. Narrating it to his brothers and finding out the interpretation. He then graduated to interpret those of the cupbearer and the baker. From the latter scenario, it's not difficult to spot the ease with which Joseph explained the dream.

"We both had dreams," they replied, "but there is no one to interpret them." Then Joseph said to them, "Don't interpretations belong to God? Tell me your dreams."- Gen 40:8

This shows the level of mastery he had gained in that gift. He knew for a fact that it is God who interprets dreams and not himself. He did not doubt the ability of God in him to explain that dream, which is so uncharacteristic of a rookie.

His role as a manager started way back in his father's house when he was tasked with sending food to his brothers. Little did he know that in some years, he'll send food to people across the earth.

Chronos is chronological time or clock time. Kairos is an opportune time. Joseph seized and maximised his Kairos because he did not despise his Chronos.

Not only must we seize Kairos, but we must also maximise it. The interpretation of Pharoah's dream was him seizing the opportunity, and the formulation of plans on how to mitigate the situation was him maximizing it. This is where his two gifts- dream interpretation and management- merged to create a superpower.

It's like what financial advisors say to those of us who want to make money. They tell us to save. And to make even more money they tell us to invest in profitable ventures. Seizing an opportunity is like saving money whiles maximizing the opportunity is like investing the money.

here are some questions we must ask ourselves today;

  1. What are my gifts and talents?

  2. How am I developing these gifts?

  3. what are the opportunities I am presented each day to use those talents?

  4. How can I merge one gift with another gift in order to maximise it?

Do you love to read? How about writing a book?

Do you love to cook? Do you have some business savvy skills? How about starting a cooking business?

Do you love to sing? How about writing your own songs?

Let me warn you though, "don't be in a hurry to do". In an era where everyone is "doing something", it can be hard to stay still and follow your lane. Only engage in things you know you are called to do. Like Joseph, your success might be in management not in shepherding like your father.

Find something you're absolutely good at and build it up. You will be amazed at how God will turn your Chronos into Kairos. it will not be easy, and it can even be frustrating, but if you consistently carry out your duties as God has instructed, He will reward you.

What's your superpower? Let us know in the comments.

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Mharmie Lizzy
Mharmie Lizzy
Sep 14, 2022

God bless you


Kofi Manu
Kofi Manu
Sep 12, 2022

Thanks for this piece, I just love to read and critique. God richly bless you

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