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Writer's picturejulianaofjehovah


There's a section of Twitter called Christian Twitter, CT for short. And everyday is a good day for arguments and jabs. I've always wondered why people just can't let things be.

Do you have to respond to every tweet?

Do you always have to disagree publicly?

Do you always have to let people know they are wrong?

I held onto this thought process for a while until one day.

I realized that for a lot of people social media is a great source of information. This info shapes our lives, academically, socially, emotionally etc.

It's easy to be swayed by seemingly wise messages on that app. Like the Bible says, "there's a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is destruction" (Proverbs 14:12). People even make assertions in the name of God but a critical analysis with the Word shows that it's completely unbiblical.

In such instances, I'm thankful for those who disagree and disagree publicly. I'm grateful for those who bring biblical proof to back their disagreement. I've realized that this is love.

Knowing that an unbeliever or a baby christian might stumble on this seemingly true take and run with it, this person is compelled to debunk it so that people can see another perspective and eventually be sent back to the Word.

As someone who's comfortable with keeping her reservations in her head, it's being a learning experience for me. I've learnt that "there's an art to disagreeing". It takes a great deal of security and expertise to draw attention of someone to something you disagree especially in a world that seems to be frowning more and more on christian virtues.

Waiting until marriage is not cool anymore

Not cheating in exam is practically wickedness

Telling a lie is okay

All men cheat

All women are after the money

It can be hard to disagree in a room where one of these conversations is being discussed. It's just better to stay out of it than sound "self-righteous". But if we take into consideration the fact that someone is actually forming a foundational mindset from these conversations, we would learn to speak up a bit more. That is love. Not for self-aggrandizement but out of concern for fellow human beings.

The world will not know what we stand for unless we speak- at the right place and at the right time.

As an adult it's one skill we all have to learn. Being vocal about your convictions and stating clearly where and why you disagree with others if ever confronted. Learning to respect the other person's opinion and going back to do the necessary research if your knowledge is found lacking.

The fear of being corrected stifles impact and growth. It takes courage to venture out and even more courage to open yourself up to dialogue.

We can be civil and mature in our disagreements. No name calling, no insults just two mature people agreeing to disagree.

Of course there are better ways of voicing out your disagreement because on numerous occasions, one can sound very rude and condescending. Some comments are enough to make the recipient question their entire christian walk. Truth is how they choose to accept and interpret might be out of your control but the tone in which it is delivered plays a role.

Share a time you were bold enough disagree with someone in the comments. Wishing you an amazing weekend.

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